
敬6 神是愛

1 神是愛!諸天在傳.講.,眾星辰發光輝頌.揚., 神是愛!我靈快樂歌唱.., 眾山嶺顯明主榮.美.,小溪流唱出主故.事., 神是愛!讓這音樂飄揚。 聽微風吹拂樹葉聲,細語神慈愛, 靜聽小鳥清歌迴響讚美大主宰, 榮耀頌聲萬物齊.唱.,曾否聽聞歌聲盪.漾.? 神是愛!讚美祂,神是愛! 2 神是愛!超奇的真.理.,主信息何等的佳.美., 神是愛!聖經每頁詳載..; 主基督造物大主.宰.,祂是神成為我救.主., 降塵世,為我罪受苦害, 主向人施恩憐憫反受世人譏諷, 頭戴荊棘冕,在審判法庭受戲弄, 大犧牲!當知主被.掛.,在十架,主寶血流.下.。 神是愛!應知道神是愛! 1 God is love, the heaven tell it Stars above in brilliance spell it God is love, rejoice and sing my soul All the hills repeat its glory Rocks and rills sing out the story God is love, O let the music roll Hear it in the laughing wind that whispers through a tree Listen to its echo in a robin rhapsody Glorious word, all nature's ringing Have you heard the song they're singing God is love, O praise him God is love 2 God is love, O truth transcendent Message of his word resplendent God is love, its pages all proclaim Christ the Lord, the great creator Heav'n adored, became our saviour Born on earth to bear our sin and shame But a waiting wan-d'ring world his grace and mercy scorns In a Roman judgment hall they crown him king with thorns O what loss, all earth should note it At the cross in blood he wrote it God is love, O hear it God is love